Thursday, November 8, 2007

Episcopal Split

The Anglican Church is coming apart at the seams. To that end, the Diocese of Pittsburgh has voted to separate from the national Episcopal Church, and align themselves with "a more traditional province in the Anglican Communion."

And so it begins, the Anglican Church is beginning to disintegrate. It doesn't help that they picked a bishopess to lead them and made a divorced gay man a bishop, who, incidentally, will be getting gay married soon.

I predict here that the Catholic Church will see conversions on the rise. I've always held that there can be no such thing as a "thinking Anglican" because they will think themselves Catholic. They must; after all, their Ecclisal Community started when King Henry VIII wanted a divorce. This whole event will make those who aren't crazy activist liberals re-examine what their religion means, when their leadership had gone so far astray. We can only hope they see that the only Church that has remained consistent for the past two millenia is the Catholic Church.

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